
Georgia Council on Developmental Disabilities

The mission of the Georgia Council on Developmental Disabilities (GCDD) is to bring about social and policy changes that promote opportunities for the wide spectrum of diverse people/persons with developmental disabilities and their families to live, learn, work, play and worship in their communities.

Georgia Council on Developmental Disabilities

The Georgia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities provides treatment and support services to people with behavioral health challenges and addictive diseases. They also assist individuals who live with developmental disabilities. The agency’s mission is to provide high-quality health care opportunities for individuals with developmental disabilities or behavioral health challenges close to their homes, so they can live a life of independence and recovery and create a sustainable, self-sufficient, and resilient life in their community.

Sangha Unity Network

Sangha Unity Network, Inc. (SUN) is a person-centered nonprofit organization whose focus is to assist in creating opportunities for individuals in communities by building collective knowledge, skills and contribution. They do this by facilitating opportunities to learn and connect, building capacity, assisting in developing organizational change frameworks, and looking towards what more communities and individuals have to offer. Through providing strength-based workshops, mentoring individuals and organizations, and building community assets, SUN believes that lives of value and inclusion are possible.

Unlock GA

Unlock GA is a coalition of people with Disabilities, family members, disability advocates, and service providers whose mission is to advocate for greater investment in home and community-based services at the state level for citizens with developmental disabilities and to ensure the quality and accessibility of those vital services.

Unlock GA

Direct Service Providers were the first partners in creating the GA DSP Council.  Without the support of Direct Service Providers, this Council would never have begun.  These providers continue to make this council possible.

Direct Service Providers pay yearly dues, pay for a DSP to attending GA DSP Council events ~10 hours per month, unbillable, encourage council members to pursue educational opportunities, meet yearly to review progress and discuss concerns, just to name a few.  We are so appreciative to our Service Provider Partners and look forward to continually working with them.